Click on my Photography page to see the links to my different types of pictures!


Wether (no pun intended) it is sunrise, sunset, or stormy skies, Miami's takes the cake! See for yourself...

One of my favorite things to photograph is animals in nature. In Miami, this means I've been mainly taking pictures of birds. It is fun to learn about the different bird species down here...typically, after I photograph them!!!

Landscapes, plants, and animals are a close second to my passion for photographing animals! These photographs as less challenging. See pictures of landscapes, trees, and flowers here.

The thing that intrigues me about nature is its self sufficiency and the beauty that is associated with that. Of course, we make a lot of cool things, too. Check out, what I call, man-made beauties.

If you have a suggestion about different areas to visit (across the US) or different things to photograph specifically, please leave a comment on this page! Thanks!