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Friday, October 14, 2011

~MiAMi SkiEs~

 Storm Clouds (which commonly co-occur with bright blue skies)

Not the greatest rainbow ever, but it is the only one I've been able to photograph.
 Bright Clouds (which are common in Miami)

Morning Pictures / Sunrises

Taken early in the morning while camping in the Keys. Camping on the beach is an AMAZING experience!!! Especially because it is so windy and you are not sure if your tent is about to blow over :)

This picture was taken while camping in the Islands heading towards Key West...later than the picture prior to this one.

On my way to Corkscrew Sanctuary...

Later in the morning on my way to Corkscrew Sanctuary...

Later still into my drive towards Corkscrew Sanctuary....

This was a fun picture from Corkscrew Sanctuary in Naples, FL.  I placed my manual focus all the way at the bottom left corner of the picture so that the focus was furthest away from the sun. It kept the sun from reflecting in the lens!

Nighttime Pictures / Sunsets
Given that this is the *only* picture of a sunset, I need ideas for better places to capture sunsets on film! They always look beautiful from where I am....
At Southpoint




This was my first picture of lightening! Clearly I need to work on those manual settings...but I'm excited to have a pic of lightening! I told people I'd get one...and they said "no way"...especially with taking only one picture at a time (which you need to do since you need manual settings to capture this). Well here it is, haters!

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