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Cat Rescue

When I was 12 years old, I had made friends with an outdoor kitten. At the time I wasn't able to bring her indoors to keep her, I could only play with her outside.  Then she almost froze to death during one of Buffalo's winters when she was young and sick. I found her lifeless body, and said to her, "just give me a sign that you're alive!"  She gave a silent cry and tilted her head backwards, as she couldn't even hold her head up.  After running inside and holding her little body that was wrapped with a heating pad and some towels for hours, I gave up trying to get her to come back to me.  Then, after placing her little body on the floor, she walked out of the cacoon I made her and started following me towards the door.  Needless to say I kept her INSIDE and she stayed strong with me for 12 and a half years.  She never left my side before then - she constantly waited up for me at nights, watched me get on the bus to go to school, got into the shower with me, followed me around the house, laid on top of my laundry I just folded, immediately went into any cat bed that I purchased for her, and slept with me all the time...including when I slept practically all day every day for a month because I had mono (although, she did sleep on across my throat the one time, and due to having mono, my throat was not a great choice).  Because of this hugely rewarding experience, I have since brought in, tamed, spayed/neutered, raised, and found homes for 10 kitties.  First, there is a picture of Kitanya - the one who started it all.


Then, I have pictures of all the other cats I have saved:

This is Tigger! I kept her!

A pregnant mom and her five beautiful babies. What a rewarding experience (and I got a family photo out of it!)

Meet "Abby"!

This is "Bunny". You can't tell from the picture, but she was 9 months old and 3.5 pounds when I brought her in...Thank goodness she's with a great family now!